Click to hear "Song of Love":
An L and M song! Lennon & McCartney?? Nah! Lajoie & McBride!
When the band first started in 1976, Mike hadn't yet written any music, though his piano playing already dazzled us. One day, he started working on this song on the piano in the Charismatic Hall under the chapel at Oblates. He came to me and showed me what he had done and asked me for help in finishing the song. I think he had the the chorus and words done and that basic happy little riff you hear in the intro. I came up with some words and structure for verses and a basic overall flow of the song. And voila! song. After that, Mike was off and running, writing masterpieces like "Lonely Dancer" and all the songs we used for the Prodigal Daughter shows for Covenant House like "Prodigal Song". This past year, he has written NEW masterpieces in "Take Me" and "Good Samaritan".
This is really the only song Mike & I co-wrote that we performed, although we always added crucial touches to each other's songs as long as Mike was with the group. I remember playing it for Beth Medeiros' house party and a few other early gigs. (This was beFORE Greg had joined us as our lead guitarist, and that little lead is actually mine. The way I played, it was very good that Greg joined us!).
This rough demo version I created in the past year and we tried to work on it as a band this summer, but there were problems. This version is too slow and is missing a bridge I forgot about. But I thought I'd publish this to give you an idea of how special what we had was even very early on. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of music, but, much more, for the gift of our love as a group....