Saturday, September 22, 2018

Poem For Change of Seasons

Poem For Change of Seasons

Today is the first day of autumn. That makes me think of a song of ours that never did get recorded or even performed in a show, but one we jammed on quite a bit. Perhaps it is a project for next year. But the words sure seem appropriate for this season AND for these times:

"You Need Love (Don't Throw Your Life Away)"

Standing so cold in your winter life
You can't make rhyme nor reason
Do you think maybe the season for Love is turning?

A yearning, a burning desire
Learning to pray with fire down upon your knees
Caring, Sharing your feelings
Daring and being all you were meant to be

You don't need hypocrisy
You don't need to silence me
You don't need your noise & news & party views surrounding you
You need Love!

You need Love! (Don't throw your life away!) 2x

What you call love is not at all
You rise and fall above your slavery
Do you think maybe the season for love is turning....