Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Poster for LW Concert/Retreat, Weekend of August 13

Come to the Well…

Living Waters Ministries
August 13 & 14
Sky-Hy Conference Center in Topsham, Maine

Come to the Waters
It’s Free

Food and Lodging are available.
Reservations:  call 207-725-7577
32 Sky-Hy Drive, Topsham, Maine 04011
type “REFRESH 2011” on the subject line.

Refresh 2011

Saturday Afternoon
1:00p-3:30p:   Introduction, Praise, Worship & Inspiring Messages.  Come to the waters.  I know you are thirsty.  You won’t be denied.  
Martha Corkery, All Saints Parish Pastoral Life Coordinator, and
Norm Houde
4:00p:   Mass
5:30p:7:00   Dinner Buffet
Saturday Evening
7:30p-9:30p: Praise Concert:  Community prayer and meditative/reflective praise, interpretive dance, drama skits in a prayer-meeting/coffee-house type program.  Structured enough to provide a moving program, but loose enough to flex and adapt to where the spirit leads.
Sunday Morning
10:00a-12p:   A program of witnessing on what the Lord is doing in the lives of Living Waters children.  It will involve music, witness and testimony by several of them.  It will serve as a testimonial to how the Christian experience of the adult founders of Living Waters members has translated into the next generation.
12:00p-1:30p   Barbeque Buffet on the deck or inside.

Monday, July 25, 2011

CRAzy Praise!

Crazy Praise!

Just had a great conversation with a man who started a new website based on a contest sort of like American Idol.  He was filled with great enthusiasm and guided me through some of the features on the site and some of the early achievements – seemed very proud and full of verve.  They’re based in Orlando, FL & you might want to join up or check them out.  For a fee you can enter contests for prizes & shows.
How I did I get to talk to this guy?  His young daughter sent me his number and told me to call!  I’m kind of glad she did.  Apparently she put a couple of our songs on a CD and put it in his truck and said, “Dad, you’re going to like this music.”  The songs were “City of Joy” and “Love’s in a Name”, I think.  This man is so open to so many different kinds of music.  If you’re a musician, it seems there is a lot to recommend this enterprise.
Peace & Love & JOY,
Mark Lajoie!