Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Brand New Video: "Let It Reign"


A Brand New Video: "Let It Reign"!

It has arrived! A brand new video for "Let It Reign"! This features a newly pumped up audio mix, & a truly crucial message for our times. 

CLICK here: Let It Reign on RN



Thursday, February 11, 2021

Another DEMO: "A Stand of Courage"!


Mark Lajoie again! This picture represents the very birth of Living Waters in 1976. You could still see the woundedness in my eyes as I stand at the right rear. Deep in that pain a song arose. You can hear the demo here, and read the lyrics below.

We've been featuring demos lately. This song goes back even before that start! This is a song that the group never performed; none of them even knew about it, until I made this demo. 

This song was written "in my head" even before my conversion experience when I was maybe 10 or so. It's funny I often see the time before Christmas 1973 as a time when I had given up on God and stopped going to church and so on, but I guess this song shows something was already in the works "deep in the chasms of my brain" as my original words said. Later on, I re-worked the lyrics which were very '10-ish', but the musical ideas I present here are pretty much what I imagined back then, especially the "fuzz bass" (for which I was probably influenced by "Think For Yourself" on Rubber Soul by the Beatles; I used to listen to my brother's albums over and over). 

I like the idea of this song, that we all have something deep inside us we can draw on and share when we need to be brave. Look at the pain in that young man's eyes, and then see what happened to him after. He was blessed with a faith family and a purpose. He was happy because they all had taken a stand together. If God made us in His Image, then the Holy Spirit can certainly fill that "God-sized hole" that St. Augustine mentioned. (He did it for me.) And, then, we can help each other by example and aid. An awesome thought. 

Love you all,
Mark Lajoie,

"A Stand of Courage" by Mark A. Lajoie 
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889 

Deep in my sor-row and my pain 
There still re-mains 
A pil-lar of help for a-ny yelp of hu-man mi-ser-y 
With help from you and God I'll find out where it lies 
And we shall de-fy i-mag-i-na-tion 

With a stand of cour-age 
A stand of cour-age 
With a stand of en-cour-age-ment 
With a stand of cou-rage 

Yeah, Yeah! 

Spi-rit of love, Spi-rit of life 
You are the peace with-in our strife 
You are the key that sets the cap-tives free 
You are the two-edged sword that cuts through all the lies 
And we shall de-fy i-mag-i-na-tion 

With a stand of cou-rage 
He'll be my cou-rage 
Won't you be my in-spi-ra-tion 
With a stand of cou-rage 

Yeah, Yeah! 

With a stand of cour-age 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Living WatersFeatured Song
Mike McBride and I only wrote one song together, really, and this is it. I remember working on it in the 'Charismatic hall' below the Chapel at Oblates. He wanted my help with lyrics and transitions and such. He had the words to the chorus and I made up the verses, I think. I suggested going verse, verse, chorus, lead, chorus, verse, chorus. I came up with the lead and I think it was pretty good in those pre-Greg days. I recall playing it for a party at Beth Medeiros' house; we were crammed in a hall way and people were trying to get by me as I was playing and who knows where Jim Gagnon's drums were! 

This is a total song of thanksgiving for Jesus giving one's life joy and meaning, especially in the Bread and Cup! It's a perfect lead-in to St. Valentine's Day. More to come!

Play SongSunrise
Play SongStay!
Play SongLove's in a Name
Play SongWe're Gonna Stay

"- Awesome Harmonies and vocals ...I so love this song....We need more God now than we have ever needed before..Keep writing..."— Song Review for "City of Joy" single, NCMusicNet
"”I really enjoyed listening to your song. I also heard Anna Post Writing before. Great song.”"— Kathy C, AVA Live Radio
"FIVE STARS! I found [City of Joy] to be very uplifting and it proves the point, that even though this was recorded back in the 1990s, good Christian music will stand the test of time and never be out of date!, Your vocals and melody together with this strong performance is first class...."— Ken Warke, Christian Artist from Belfast, Ireland
"Your music sounds better than radio stations spin nowadays! I have had Glory stuck in my head all day."— Cortney, N1M
"I am so incredibly amazed by this song Anna Post Writing. Congrats and here's to a great album and a great artist! Cookies all around!"— Nancy, Christian music fan, Hamilton, Ontario
"I always saw your profile in new artists recommendations but never took the time to listen to any of the music. Ever since yesterday I have been listening to your songs over and over again. What great music!"— Audrey, Carlsbad, California


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Reflection on Today's Gospel


Living WatersFeatured Song
 “The whole town was gathered at the door.” 
– Mark 1:33

In today's Gospel, St. Peter’s secretary, St. Mark, recounts the scene at Peter’s house; yes, we see it through Peter’s own eyes. Like the rest of this Gospel, you can feel the excitement of the moment, the immediacy and truth of what the future Rock of the Church experienced that day. Jesus grasps the hand of Peter’s mother-in-law, not fearing the contagion, and lifts her to her feet healed from her fever. Her first impulse is not to preen or dwell on what happened to her – she wants to serve everybody else! a sure sign that the God Who is infinite, unselfish Love has touched her inner being, as well as her body. The whole town – every single person in that town, aimless and aching within, is drawn to this true Light shining so brightly, each taking the step toward Jesus needed for salvation. The whole town is not disappointed when they come. This is The Only One who can cast out the demon, who can fulfill the longing they all have. Isaiah said this Light would begin to shine in “Galilee of the Gentiles”. Behold, here It is!

Peter is now well on the way to realizing who Jesus really is and why He has come, until that fateful day in Caesarea Philippi, when he will express the Apostolic Faith, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God”. Peter and the Apostles will spend the rest of their lives trying to bring the Ultimate Medicine, not just to “the whole town”, but to the whole world, to make Him accessible. Peter’s partner in Rome, St. Paul, says as much in today’s second reading, First Corinthians: “I have become all things to all, to save at least some.” Can you feel the Heart of Christ, aching to reach us in these words?

And our predicament is evident. Can any human being read the words of Job in the first reading, and not know the quandary of which he speaks? We all know that experience: “I shall not see happiness again”. We are broken, broken in a way that no natural, Pelagian-style remedy can help. ‘Self-help’ cannot help this insoluble problem. Only God can help; we need a savior, no, we need THE Savior. How can we get to that house where the whole town is gathered and be healed?!
The Psalm gives the answer! The Lord heals the brokenhearted. He is close to every human being through actual grace, BUT He has established the Kingdom of God on earth to come far closer for our healing in His Sacraments. This is the reason that He ordained His priests, Peter and the Apostles: so that when, in Confession, I reveal my brokenness to a human being, I am telling Him in person, laying my head on His Heart. So that I can receive Him within my very self in the Eucharist, the best healing. So that I can with total assurance know what is true, delivering my mind from confusion and evil influence.
When He leaves Capernaum, Jesus is told, “Everybody is looking for You.” How true that is, whether each one knows it or not: “those who have not heard shall ponder it” (Isaiah 52:15). He is the answer. He Himself expresses an urgent zeal to spread His Light further: “For this purpose I have come.” His mission is not limited by His earthly Incarnation. He is not limited by merely physical healings, be they ever so abundant or amazing. Any miracle He, or His Church, does is a SIGN pointing to what He really wants. “I want YOU!” His Heart on fire wants to reach all through His one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, not just with a message, but to commune with each person in Sacrament, deliver them from evil, and heal their restless wandering.
May this Wonderful Heart be known!

AMETUR COR JESU! Loved be the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Light of the World by Living Waters on Spotify
Tell the Whole World by Living Waters on Spotify
Living Waters on Instagram