Sunday, August 30, 2015



Mike McBride is looking at a new song!

Dave & Kath, Tony & Denise, Greg & Anne with Josh & T: a lot of faithfulness for a long time....

Well! The latest LW production is a love song. It is called “Stay!”; one trusted listener commented that it reminded them sonically of The Cure; I hear some U2 in the guitar also. It is definitely high-quality songwriting. Its completion comes immediately on the heels of the marriage of Jackie & Eric in the group – how timely! Mike and I sang together his very first song at that wedding; it is entitled “Love Is” from I Corinthians 13. We are talking about making that our next project perhaps, making sure Mike and I sing together on it again. That would be great!

I really got a kick out of it when I noticed that our other big love song in the past was “We’re Gonna STAY”: STAY? – we’re gonna STAY? – right? Staying is something that is really hard to do, sometimes. We see Matrimony in the Lord as a forever Covenant that is an ideal place to learn sacrificial love. Genesis 2 says, “A man shall leave his mother and a woman shall leave her home, and they shall become one flesh.” However, our point is never to condemn those, even among our family, who’ve had bad experiences here. We want our fidelity to our spouse, our family and our friends to be more of a sign of hope and joy! The Lord’s help in keeping this commitment, which is eternally sure for those who make this promise before God and everyone, is something that blesses everyone else around, wherever they may be in their life. I might also say this song perfectly fits the Living Waters cry of joy and trust heard in so many of our songs.

Mike felt a wonderful, deeper truth in the song he was given. Here’s what he said:

Stay?  This song is for anyone.  It's about speaking up.  A proclamation.  Commitment.   An exciting expression of letting love flow.  It makes me feel grown up.  It's for anyone; my children, my parents, my friends, my soul mate, my God.  Without them, where would we be?

True that, Mike! I also include the link for “We’re Gonna Stay” recorded in the early 90’s, which we also reprised at the latest wedding.

Peace & Love & JOY,
Mark LaJOIE!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

A New Living Waters Wedding!

A New Living Waters Wedding!

Eric Dodson & Jackie Bourque were joyfully married, on August 14th, 2015 at St Elizabeth Seton Church, in Bedford, NH. This is a view from the choir loft of Dave walking Jackie down the aisle.

Having so many of us Living Waters types in the choir loft playing & praying music together was truly special and a gift from Heaven. The Holy Spirit inhabited the music; everyone there knew it was extraordinary and blessed. It was a sign of that New Covenant in His Body. This was the team up above:

Mark - 12-string & vocals
Mike - keyboards & vocals
Chuck - horn & vocals
Josh - trumpet & bass
Greg - guitar
John & Stephen - male vocals
Denise & Caroline - female vocals
Tony - Percussion

And these were the selections, several of which we had done for the many weddings we have played, but which seemed so brand new and alive on this wonderful day:

Prelude Music:
Wherever You Go (Weston Priory)
Peace, Joy & Happiness (Wise)
Magnificat (Mark Lajoie)
Love is Patient (Mike McBride)
When Love is Found (Waly Waly)
We're Gonna Stay (Mark Lajoie)
The Servant Song (Gillard)
Wedding Party:
Without You (Wendy & Mary)
Wedding Song (Stookey)
Bridal Procession: Pachelbel Canon in D
Psalm: Set Me Like a Seal (Landry)
Gospel: Joyful Heart
After Vows: Wedding Prayer (Wendy & Mary)
Recessional: This is the Day (Scott Wesley Brown)
(We ended up reprising The Wedding Song at the end.)
But what made this extra special for us was that it was for Dave & Kathy's wonderful daughter, Jackie. Dave was a founding member of Living Waters, who knew Mark, Mike, Dave, Chuck and Danny back in Maine. Kathy was one of the original liturgical dancers who passed that American Idol-style audition back in the 70's (even though Dave voted against her!)  Jackie reflects their wonderful faith and talents. She discovered her own dance identity, and became a physical therapist, whose entire persona is summed up in the virtue of kindness. Eric Dodson seems a wonderful match for her and her family in so many ways, and the Dodsons seemed very happy to become a part of the Bourques and LW.

It was great for our wide, extended family to see some relatives and friends whom we had not seen in a long time. The conversation was joyous, spiritual, heartfelt and humorous. One amazing surprise was hearing Dave's voice on tape as he danced the father-daughter dance with Jackie - so cool! The Bourques LOVE dancing, and boy did all the young ones enjoy themselves at a fantastic reception. The bond we have been blessed with goes very deep and fills every level of incarnation. The second reading urged us to "Rejoice! Again I say, rejoice" - that is what we are doing. Blessings for the young couple on their eternal journey....

Peace & Love & JOY,

Mark LaJOIE!