Saturday, August 25, 2018

Some Video of Living Waters Recording!

Some Video of Living Waters Recording!

This summer's recording has included some Mike & Mark singing together on many songs; The results, I think, were fantastic! Our blend seemed just right, and our back and forth on "Let It Reign" was so much fun. Mike has contributed his keyboard skills to several Mark songs, like "Sing to Jesus" which we played together so much back in the day.

We're not really good on putting what we're doing on the record. I think we're just too busy doing the work, in the zone, shall we say. BUT! I managed to video a few snippets of us doing some more work on "Light of the World" which we could share with you. Ready?

Here is our vocal recording spot; we were doing the melody for "LotW" chorus

Mike was warming up to do the intro to "LotW"

Mike had to fix the tag on Josh's shirt!

Click the line below to see: 

Video of Mike practicing the end of "LotW". 

At the end, Josh is circling his finger, telling Mike to keep going, because he has the section on a loop. Josh can then take or blend the best sections from the looped tracks.

Well! I hoped you enjoyed this small glimpse inside the process. Sausage being made....

Peace & Love & JOY,
Mark LaJOIE! of Living Waters

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