Now...and then! Mike now with his daughter, Clio, & back in the day with Eddie McKay & co.
Mike & Mike Again!
Mike has been hard at work, not in the studio, but by himself now, using GarageBand. He is especially doing re-makes of our old Living Waters concert songs written by him. (Btw, Mark, now that he's done teaching, has also produced something new from something very old on GarageBand.) We thought it would be interesting to put the old and the new side-by-each and let everyone take a listen.
First, let's listen to one of my favorites, "You Were There". We have often - and recently - used it for our weddings. First, let's listen to a classic (shortened) concert version:
and, then, the new version! The lyrics are a little different:
Mike has also re-done "With You I Am" into a totally different style. Here, we have an old 'classic live' version from way back and the brand new creation!:
Mike has also done his own version of a "Hail Mary". He is on fire!! Stay tuned for more from him...and me!
Peace & Love & JOY,
Mark LaJOIE!