"Overflow" is Released...Merry Christmas!
"Overflow" is Released...Merry Christmas!
It has happened! The work is complete. If you've heard parts of this album already, you still have no idea. There has been a lot of work done, just in the last week or so, on virtually every song. It is now finished. This album has become something greater than its parts. Please! Listen to this! As of today, Christmas Day, it is available on our Bandcamp site and is streaming on ReverbNation.
There were big contributions by Mike McBride, Greg Loell and Mark Lajoie, and especially the talented producer, Joshua Loell (Best Film Score Winner!). Most exciting is that Dave Bourque, Tony & Denise Vassel all did their part also, especially on "Light of the World" and "Hail Mary". This album features lots of joint vocals and a large dose of a rockin' Greg Loell.
We are aiming to release the digital distribution (iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc.) on January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany. That fits perfectly with the theme of the album: 'He can brighten up your darkest night...', the Light of the World, Sonrise.
Please, share in our joy, listen, download, and share the goodness! Be on the lookout for the streaming releases coming soon.
Peace & Love & JOY,
Mark LaJOIE!
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