LW Christmas Party!
December 19, 2010 at 11:18 amLW Christmas Party!
Saturday, December 18, 2010 a bunch of us went to Chuck’s house for our annual get-together and it was really special. Our Vermont friends were there as well as the engaged – and engaging – couple, Jon & Caroline. There were several second- and third-generation kids along with their veteran parents. We spent a lot of time in a prayer that had a real sense of joy to it, including singing “Jesus, I Love You” and “He is the Lord”. We went Christmas caroling telephonically for a couple of friends who are ailing. We had your classic Yankee Swap and then a hilarious “Living Waters Trivia” game, for which Chris & T did a great job as the MC’s. We collected some coffee for our troops overseas, swapped some of the classic stories, caught up on all the family happenings, and had a wide variety of snacks!
Jim gave us all a great present: a CD, entitled “Lonely Dancer”, with a ton of the older LW live classics. You will be hearing some of those on the website as the New Year progresses, I should think! Dave is now working on official copyrighting and I have put together a digital distribution release (like itunes, perhaps?) that should be coming out as soon as Dave is done. Tony said he is going to help with a picture. We’ll see. It only took us several decades!
We are praying for all of you who have become associated with us through ReverbNation, IM Radio, Facebook and elsewhere that JOY, conversion, grace and mercy may FLOW powerfully throughout your lives. And please pray for some special intentions, people struggling with severe illness.
Joy, JOY, JOY!
Mark Lajoie

Saturday, December 18, 2010 a bunch of us went to Chuck’s house for our annual get-together and it was really special. Our Vermont friends were there as well as the engaged – and engaging – couple, Jon & Caroline. There were several second- and third-generation kids along with their veteran parents. We spent a lot of time in a prayer that had a real sense of joy to it, including singing “Jesus, I Love You” and “He is the Lord”. We went Christmas caroling telephonically for a couple of friends who are ailing. We had your classic Yankee Swap and then a hilarious “Living Waters Trivia” game, for which Chris & T did a great job as the MC’s. We collected some coffee for our troops overseas, swapped some of the classic stories, caught up on all the family happenings, and had a wide variety of snacks!
Jim gave us all a great present: a CD, entitled “Lonely Dancer”, with a ton of the older LW live classics. You will be hearing some of those on the website as the New Year progresses, I should think! Dave is now working on official copyrighting and I have put together a digital distribution release (like itunes, perhaps?) that should be coming out as soon as Dave is done. Tony said he is going to help with a picture. We’ll see. It only took us several decades!
We are praying for all of you who have become associated with us through ReverbNation, IM Radio, Facebook and elsewhere that JOY, conversion, grace and mercy may FLOW powerfully throughout your lives. And please pray for some special intentions, people struggling with severe illness.
Joy, JOY, JOY!
Mark Lajoie
December 19, 2010 at 12:32 pm
December 19, 2010 at 5:34 pm
December 19, 2010 at 7:47 pm
December 19, 2010 at 10:21 pm
December 20, 2010 at 11:17 am
December 20, 2010 at 4:27 pm