McBride & Lajoie's "Song of Love" plus "Love's Beginning" Posted on Jul 17, 2010 at 02:03 PM
July 17, 2010 at 2:06 pm link to "Song of Love" (for "Love's Beginning")
*{NOTE: Since this writing many of Mike's songs have been posted, including a stellar live version of "Let Me In" and the produced video of "Lonely Dancer"!}
Mike McBride and I only wrote one song together, really, and this is it. I remember working on it in the 'Charismatic hall' below the Chapel at Oblates. He wanted my help with lyrics and transitions and such. He had the words to the chorus and I made up the verses, I think. I suggested going verse, verse, chorus, lead, chorus, verse, chorus. I came up with the lead and I think it was pretty good in those pre-Greg days. I recall playing it for a party at Beth Medeiros' house; we were crammed in a hall way and people were trying to get by me as I was playing and who knows where Jim Gagnon's drums were!
After we did this song, Mike was off and running writing songs and he certainly didn't need my help again. I have just had the great pleasure of talking with him on Facebook after YEARS. It was great; he said it's OK to put some of those songs up here and maybe and I can produce some NoteWorthy versions of some of the standouts, like "Lonely Dancer" or "Love in Arms". You will notice "Love's Beginning" posted here in a multi-track production which titled the Christmas cassette we produced in 1984. Everybody shines on this thing and a LOT of work was put in on it. Greg's lead, for instance, is simply stellar. We have a couple of other of Mike's songs on multi-track that we'll try to get up here.
As far as "Song of Love" goes, this is the first time I have consciously tried to come up with piano on one of these Noteworthy things and I am hampered in that I can't play piano for beans, myself, and how can I figure out what McBride used to do? I do remember, though, that Mike had a strong left hand, with a lot of bass octaves, so, I tried to emulate his style and the featured "dah dah dah dah dah dah" part is easy enough. I added a little lead at the beginning, but, otherwise, I think it's pretty close to the original.
This song is so happy and joyful and I really like that a lot! The verses might be improved but I thought it worthwhile to put out to you as is.
With His Love,
Mark L.

*{NOTE: Since this writing many of Mike's songs have been posted, including a stellar live version of "Let Me In" and the produced video of "Lonely Dancer"!}
Mike McBride and I only wrote one song together, really, and this is it. I remember working on it in the 'Charismatic hall' below the Chapel at Oblates. He wanted my help with lyrics and transitions and such. He had the words to the chorus and I made up the verses, I think. I suggested going verse, verse, chorus, lead, chorus, verse, chorus. I came up with the lead and I think it was pretty good in those pre-Greg days. I recall playing it for a party at Beth Medeiros' house; we were crammed in a hall way and people were trying to get by me as I was playing and who knows where Jim Gagnon's drums were!
After we did this song, Mike was off and running writing songs and he certainly didn't need my help again. I have just had the great pleasure of talking with him on Facebook after YEARS. It was great; he said it's OK to put some of those songs up here and maybe and I can produce some NoteWorthy versions of some of the standouts, like "Lonely Dancer" or "Love in Arms". You will notice "Love's Beginning" posted here in a multi-track production which titled the Christmas cassette we produced in 1984. Everybody shines on this thing and a LOT of work was put in on it. Greg's lead, for instance, is simply stellar. We have a couple of other of Mike's songs on multi-track that we'll try to get up here.
As far as "Song of Love" goes, this is the first time I have consciously tried to come up with piano on one of these Noteworthy things and I am hampered in that I can't play piano for beans, myself, and how can I figure out what McBride used to do? I do remember, though, that Mike had a strong left hand, with a lot of bass octaves, so, I tried to emulate his style and the featured "dah dah dah dah dah dah" part is easy enough. I added a little lead at the beginning, but, otherwise, I think it's pretty close to the original.
This song is so happy and joyful and I really like that a lot! The verses might be improved but I thought it worthwhile to put out to you as is.
With His Love,
Mark L.
July 17, 2010 at 6:48 pm
Because I wasn't sure at first about whether Mike would want us to do it,
so, I haven't any of his songs on Noteworthy except for "Song of Love". All
I have on mp3 right now, besides "Love's Beginning" are the other two songs
on the Christmas cassette, "The Joy" and "Merry Christmas". I'll be getting those on pretty soon. Otherwise, it may be awhile. I invited Mike to give
me anything he may have and I'm putting out the call to anybody who may have tapes of these or any of our songs. I'm hoping for it as much as you!
Mark L.
July 17, 2010 at 7:00 pm
Awesome. I have the 1995 and 1993 shows you guys did at the sheepgate. I know my dad has everything else you guys have done there. If you want, I'll transfer the two shows I have onto disc and send them your way. Let me know.
You the man!
July 18, 2010 at 3:08 am
July 18, 2010 at 7:08 am